60 labourers walk 200 km from Mumbai to reach Pune in 15 days on way to Karnataka

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Sumit Singh

Pune, May 8, 2020: Human life is struggling with due to the worldwide problem of Coronavirus infection. There is also a section of people who in addition to beating the nature, is also fighting its helplessness. We are talking about a group of about 60 labourers including women and children who crossed Pune yesterday after walking 200 km from Mumbai. They are on their way to Gulbarga, about  380 km from Pune, in  Karnataka.

They had gone to Mumbai in search of work due to the outbreak of Coronavirus disease, they were left jobless. In the event of lock-down, there is no means for these people to travel; these workers are traveling many kilometers on foot. And along with these laborers, there are many children, elderly men and women who are trying to return to their homes on foot only.

These people had set out on foot from Mumbai 15 days ago, crossed Pune Thursday. They were stopped by Pune rural police who offered them food and water.

There are hundreds more who have gone out on the streets looking for a destination, they do not know the time of travel nor do they know whether they will get food on the way or not, but still they are walking with their family. They do not know what will be found or will not be found in the village, but at present, the roads have been adopted by them, irrespective of whether government adopts them or not.