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With youngsters being less patriarchal and more sensitive towards gender parity women employees’ favour younger bosses states TeamLease Study. TeamLease Services today released their latest study ‘The Younger Boss- Older Subordinate relationship, a detailed research elaborating India’s evolving world of work. According to the report, more than 52 percentage of women in the start-up sector preferred working under younger superiors. Women felt younger bosses were less prejudiced and more open to diverse point of views.

As per the report the liking for younger bosses is not just restricted to women, even male employees preferred younger bosses.  Around 75 percentages of men, in the start-up industry were open to report to a younger superior indicating a clear shift in the qualities that define leadership. Though there is a penchant for youngsters, there is an equal and strong wave of resentment towards their leadership style. While more than 57 percentages of the entry-to-mid level employees across sectors favoured working with younger superior, around 75% of the seasoned professionals (talent with more than 20 years of experience) looked forward to working with older bosses. They attributed the older chiefs with better capabilities to handle complexities, ambiguity, people and organizational transformations.

An in-depth analysis of the report elaborates the changing power equations, its impact and the reasons. According to the report some of the reasons why employees like working with younger bosses are

Commenting on the report, Mr. Kunal Sen, Senior Vice President, TeamLease Services Limited said “The shift in the power equation is mainly due to the increasing thrust on technological prowess. Apart from tech-suaveness, the young brigade is perceived to be agile and innovation friendly. However, for long term growth, organizations will require a good mix of talent both old and young with capabilities to handle the many complex situations a company will face in its journey to growth.”

Further, from a sectoral perspective barring automobile sector which has expressed a higher preference (73%) for older and more experienced leaders, both IT (69%) and the non IT sectors (58%) chose youngsters.

‘The Younger Boss- Older Subordinate relationship is the second in TeamLease survey series to understand ‘India’s evolving World of Work’. The survey was administered on HR managers across sectors. The current survey series aims to understand the pulse of young Indian workforce to the different aspects that govern the working environment.