3rd International Day of Yoga celebrated in K. V. DIAT Girinagar

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Pune : 3rd International Day of Yoga was celebrated here in Kendriya Vidyalaya DIAT Girinagar Pune on 21st  June 2017. The students from classes V to XII along with staff of this Vidyalaya joined their hands together to celebrate this day in very befitting manner. A number of yogic exercises like Pranayam, Kapalbharti, Anulom vilom, tadasan, Bhramri etc. A keen interest, zeal and enthusiasm was shown by the students and the staffs while performing these Aransas in accordance with the protocol design by Ministry of Ayush Govt. of India.

It was done under the guidance of Yoga Instructor of the Vidyalaya Mrs. Laxmi Adhikari who highlighted the benefits of performing yoga in our day today life. She also focused on the necessity of yoga to maintain balance between body, mind and soul.

The Principal of the Vidyalaya Shri. Samaj V. Joglekar addressed the gathering on this occasion appealing to all to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day to yourself only so that through we can build a better and healthier life for us.

This will be once small step towards making HEALTHY INDIA. A vote of thanks was proposed by a senior teacher of the Vidyalaya and PGT Bio Mrs. Sandhya Mehrotra. It was very successful event thanks to the heart and soul put in by Shri. Prabir Nag, HM and entire staff.