Kolhapur: Two Injured by Laser Beams During Ganesh Processions, Police Initiate Action

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Kolhapur, 9th September 2024: Two individuals, including an on-duty police constable, sustained eye injuries caused by laser beams during Ganesh idol arrival processions in Kolhapur’s Rajarampuri area over the weekend. The incidents have raised concerns over the use of dangerous light equipment by local Ganesh mandals, despite repeated warnings from authorities.

The first victim, constable Yuvraj Patil, was performing his duty on Friday when a laser beam from one of the passing processions hit his eyes. “I felt the beam strike my eyes suddenly during the procession. Later, after returning home, I noticed my right eye was bleeding,” Patil recounted. He immediately sought medical attention, and the treatment was able to preserve his vision.

The second incident occurred the following night when 21-year-old Aditya Bodake, who was waiting for a procession to pass, also suffered eye damage from a laser beam. Bodake is currently undergoing treatment. His father has filed a complaint with the Rajarampuri police, urging action against the Ganesh mandal responsible for the injury.

Despite previous warnings issued by Superintendent of Police (SP) Mahendra Pandit against the use of laser beams and high-decibel sound systems during both the arrival and immersion processions, many mandals continued to ignore these directives. SP Pandit had emphasized the potential risks associated with such equipment, but the warnings have been largely disregarded.

According to Rajarampuri police, 31 out of 33 mandals participating in this weekend’s processions violated the rules regarding sound levels and the use of lasers.

Inspector Sushant Chavan of Rajarampuri police station commented, “We had repeatedly warned the mandals during our meetings about the dangers of using laser beams and loud sound systems. In line with the SP’s orders, we are now in the process of registering FIRs against the offending mandals.”